Fathers Day Party at the Lucky Longhorn Casino!
Celebrating all of our wonderful fathers this Fathers Day Sunday! Drawings every 15 minutes – guys, come grab your share of $2,000 in cash & prizes! 4PM-8PM at the Lucky Longhorn Casino!
FREE Upchurch the Redneck/JJ Lawhorn ticket giveaways!
Every day this week the Lucky Longhorn Casino is offering up your chance to win free tickets to Upchurch the Redneck & JJ Lawhorn, LIVE this Saturday at the Texas Longhorn Club!
Win your share of $5,000 COLD HARD CASH at the Lucky Longhorn Casino
Your share of $5,000 cold hard CASH awaits during our Belmont Race Day Party from 4PM-6PM, only at the Lucky Longhorn Casino! Come join the fun and go home a winner! (Or head on over to the after party at the Texas Longhorn Club for even more prizes, fun and games!)
Freestyle Festival coming soon!